A Big Dose of Speed (2022)

ON-OFF album a big dose of speed cover large

 Produced by: 
>track 01 with PAOLO DAL BROI

 Engineered and Mixed by: 
Giorgio Andreoli
>track 01:
Giorgio Andreoli & Paolo Dal Broi

 Mastered by: 
Alberto Cutolo

Buil2Kill Records

 Release Date: 

 Cover By: 
Paolo Armitano

 Guest Musicians: 
Gabriele Toia: Piano on track 11 & 12
Chiara Fratus: Vocals on track 12
Davide Speranza: Harp on track 12

Inizialmente il disco doveva esser pubblicato come EP nell’inverno del 2019/2020: un mini-album contenente il singolo DOSE OF SPEED del 2018, un inedito e tre registrazioni live.
Il progetto venne però congelato a causa dello stop provocato dall’emergenza COVID-19.
Successivamente, visto il nuovo materiale composto e registrato durante quella lunga pausa forzata, si decise di ritardare l’uscita dello stesso optando per una versione molto più ricca: gli inediti sono diventati ben tre, le registrazioni live recuperate sei e come bonus sono state aggiunte le cover registrate durante il 2021.
Initially, the disc had to be released as an EP in the 2019/2020 winter: a mini-album containing the single DOSE OF SPEED from 2018, an unreleased song and three live recordings.
However, the project was frozen due to the stop caused by COVID-19 emergency.
Subsequently, with new material composed and recorded during that long forced break, the band decided to delay the release of the album by opting for a much richer version: the unreleased tracks have become three, the live recordings six and the covers recorded during 2021 have been added as a bonus.
 Track List: 

Click on title for Lyrics

01 - Dose of Speed (2:38)
Fast as Ronnie
Furios as Gilles
Need the brain of Niki
Need the famous Jackie’ skill

Maybe six wheels like Jody
Inside a black Lotus with wings
I dream the freedom of James
I want the punch of Jochen Rindt

  Aaah… It’s adrenaline need!
  Aaah… Need a big big big dose of speed!
  Dose of speed!

Wild like Senna
Engage the Michael’s gear
Just a legend like Clark
Fly like Piquet without fear

  Aaah… It’s a gasoline need
  Aaah… Need a big big big

Dose of speed!

It’s adrenaline need
It’s a gasoline need
A Monster dose of speed!
I’m in adrenaline need
Monster dose of speed!
It’s a gasoline need

02 - Can You Feel (2:54)
Set my eyes right on the track
Waiting for another bend
Heavy foot on the treadle
From the start to the end

I bury down my fears
Put myself in a racing-strife
Curbs are running away so quickly
Like my days, my time, my life

And if you want to try the ride
And see that all is real
Why don’t you get on board
And place your hands upon the wheel

 Can you feel the speed?
 Can you feel the road?
 Can you face the thrill?
 Can we share the load?


Don’t judge a driver
If you don’t know what it means
I live my life lap after lap
Pushing my engine to the extreme

Checkered flag, that’s the aim
No fame for the number two
I want to get me another ride
Baby, what about you?

 Can you feel the speed?
 Can you feel the road?
 Can you face the thrill?
 Can we share the load?


And if you want to try the ride
And see that all is real
Why don’t you get on board!

 Can you feel the speed?
 Can you feel the road?
 Can you face the thrill?
 Can we share the load?

 Can you feel the speed?
 Can you feel the speed?

03 - Hands on the Wheel (3:07)
That’s when you think there’s nothing else to do
Ride on!

Dawn is waiting
Waiting for your choice
Time is breaking
Bring out your voice

And just when all the stones hit you
Don’t think about the past
Leave everything behind
And start to going fast

 Keep Your Hands on the Wheel
 Keep Your Hands on the Wheel
 And ride on!
 Ride on!
 Ride on!

Road is rolling
With no place to go
Time is strolling
And you’re too slow

It’s just when you have taken all the kicks
That you understand
Push that pedal,
you won’t live forever
You’re just a man!

 Keep Your Hands on the Wheel
 Keep Your Hands on the Wheel
 And ride on!

Dawn is waiting
Time is breaking
Start to riding fast

 Keep Your Hands on the Wheel
 Keep Your Hands on the Wheel
 And ride on!
 Ride on!
 Ride on!
 Keep Your Hands on the Wheel

04 - Going Down (4:03)
I’m going down!
Quarantine song!

Doin’ nothing
Drinkin’ a lot
An Old Pulteney bottle
It’s the only friend I’ve got

You know life is getting’ worse
When the road rolls downhill
For anything I forgot to pay
Please send me down the bill

 I’ve got one way
 ‘Cause I’m going down to hell
 In the fast lane
 I can already feel the smell
 I’m going down down down
 I’m going down
 I’m going down

It’s a one way ticket
I’m lost, there’s no return
Even if I ran out of gasoline
Where I’m going anything burn

To all my girlfriends
Ain’t no time to grieve
Don’t you worry it’s workin’ still
Take a ride before I leave

 I’ve got one way
 ‘Cause I’m going down to hell
 In the fast lane
 I can already feel the smell
 I’m going down down down
 I’m going down!

Down to hell
But I’m not scared
Like Bon said all my friend are there!

 I’ve got one way
 ‘Cause I’m going down to hell
 In the fast lane
 I can already feel the smell
 I’ve got one way
 ‘Cause I’m going down to hell
 In the fast lane
 I can already feel the smell
 I’m going down down down
 I’m going down down down
 I’m going down down down
 I’m going down down down

05 – Crime Doesn’t Pay (4:31) LIVE
06 – Catch the Bunny (3:53) LIVE
07 – It’s Hard to Break Me (4:30) LIVE
08 – Money Makes Money (3:45) LIVE
09 – Drums Beat Riff (3:59) LIVE
10 – Rockin’ Blood (4:00) LIVE

Bonus Tracks:
11 – Back in the U.S.S.R. (3:01) Beatles’ Cover
12 – Gimme Shelter (5:05) Rolling Stones’ Cover